2013年8月21日 星期三

How to save Brocade Device (SAN Switch / SAN Router ) Log

1.Setup FTP Server on your laptop,Create a folder for your Device.
2.SSH into Brocade device
3.Run the following command
4.The log save into your laptop folder
Fabosv4.4switch:admin> supportsave -u anonymous -p password -h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -d /directory -l ftp

supportsave –u kimi –p password –h –d / PRDD –l ftp

2013年8月13日 星期二



Windows 7 軟體相衝時,如何以最乾淨的方式開機

How to perform a clean boot to troubleshoot a problem in Windows Vista, Windows 7, or
Windows 8

Windows Vista and Windows 7
a. Log on to the computer by using an account that has administrator rights.
b. Click Start , type msconfig.exe in the Start Search box, and then press Enter to start the System Configuration utility.
   在開始的地方,輸入 msconfig.exe
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, you should type the password or provide confirmation.
c. On the General tab, click the Selective startup option, and then click to clear the Load startup items check box. (The Use Original Boot.ini check box is unavailable.)
   在"一般" > 點"選擇啟動項目" 將"載入啟動項目" 勾拿掉
Windows Internet Explorer Office Windows Update Xbox Media Player Windows Phone 更多產品
How to perform a clean boot to troubleshoot a problem in Windows Vista, Windows 7... Page 1 of 4
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135 2012/12/14
d. On the Services tab, click to select the Hide all Microsoft services check box, and then click Disable all.
Note This step lets Microsoft services continue to run. These services include Networking, Plug and Play, Event Logging, Error Reporting, and other services. If you disable these
services, you may permanently delete all restore points. Do not do this if you want to use the System Restore utility together with existing restore points.
e. Click OK, and then click Restart.

VMWare Performance IOPS 換算公式

VMWare vsphere 5.1的 Performance 是我們最常用來判斷效能的地方

最近我們的客戶突然vCenter無法連線,一開始以為是網路問題,最後卻發現實際上是Disk I/O過於頻繁  Disk Latency過高,甚至達到175000KBps之譜,難怪會整個Hang住

IOPS = (MBps Throughput / KB per IO) * 1024
IOPS = (MBps Throughput /64) * 1024

故175000 KBps等於每秒多少個IOPS= 
175000KBps =(175000/1024/64)*1024=175000KBps

vSphere 5.1 Does not recognize the LSI C100 Raid Card

最近心血來潮敗了一台IBM X3100 M4來當LAB主機

弄了半天,發現這台主機預設使用LSI C100當作他的Raid 1裝置,在我好不容易研究出C100是怎樣設定Raid,並且開開心心的把Raid給建立起來,準備安裝vSphere時,竟然發現每次總是會看到兩個一樣大小的硬碟,我以為我的Raid沒有設定成功,
最後卻發現該死的C100其實是軟體的RAID.而vSphere並不支援此款Raid Card,我把我用錢學來的經驗分享給大家

  1. VMWare 不支援 LSI C100

    VMware does not support ServeRAID C100 for System x. Use IBM System x3100 M4 supported option RAID card if you try to install VMware ESXi 5.0 with RAID function. For IBM System x3100 M4 supported option RAID card, see
  2. 如何設定 X 3100 M4 C100 Raid Card

  1. 安裝vSphere 5.1 在 X 3100 M4 C100 Raid Card 會出現的問題


2013年7月24日 星期三

遠端連線至SUSE Linux的兩種方式

1. Putty連線 (連線至Command Mode)
    到下列網址下載 Putty

2. VNC (連線至圖形介面)
    到下列網址下載 VNC

    安裝完畢後點選  VNC Viewer 
    輸入SUSE Linux IP位址並在後面加上冒號1, 按下Connect
    Ex,(冒號1代表連線至 Linux)


出現以下畫面,直接按 Continue



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